Monday, March 31, 2014


I am so grateful for my Father in Heaven. He seems always to know just what I need, and He is so generous in blessing me with His love. Today is no exception. Even as I write these words, they seem so lackluster in comparison to the feelings behind them.

  I was out of town this last weekend, and missed the General Women’s Meeting of my church. I realize how this might sound, but I think I was supposed to miss it.  We were in Oklahoma for the Buley family reunion, and it was a lovely experience for all of us to spend time with and meet Ken’s extended family. We were able to meet Ken’s father’s cousins, and see Ken’s grandfather’s grave, and the places where Ken’s dad spent time as a child, and hear wonderful stories of  his family that seemed to fill a void somehow. My heritage is so real to me that I have found Ken’s lack of knowledge of his a little disconcerting at times. I think we both feel like a piece to our puzzle has been restored somehow after this reuinion. I hope we are able to attend more like this, and take advantage of the time we have with Ken’s family. It is such a huge blessing. I love how important family is to us! It was really a beautiful time.

  But, to set up the whole reason for this post, I had better go back a little, and set the stage.  Recently I have been feeling pretty lonely. It’s not that I don’t have a wonderful husband and family, I do. It’s not that Texas isn’t a great place, it is. It’s not even that I haven’t made wonderful friends here, and kept the best friends a girl could have back home. I have all these things, but it’s not the same as having sisters.

  I think that I am starting to feel the void of having no sisters. I watch those around me have such close bonds with their sisters. Sisters seem to be everyone’s best friends when they grow up. All my close girls have the best relationships with their sisters, and they seem not to need closer relationships with those around them. I am being blessed with sisters in law this year, though they have sisters of their own. Somehow, I have been feeling like I have been completely left out of this sister loop.

  Now let me say, for the record, that I love my brothers. They are the best. They are sweet, endearing boys, and I am so grateful for them! I love to spend time with them, and I love to hear from them. They are my siblings, we share so much! But, it’s not the same as having a sister. Not really. Because, after all, women need women, right?

  So, this has been in my mind and in my heart lately. A simple, silent plea to not feel so isolated as a woman. I heartfelt yearning for sisters of my own, or at least for friends who can help to fill the void. I’m not even sure I had prayed about it. But, sometimes I find that prayers can be unuttered, but answered nonetheless.

  As I sat down this morning to watch the General Women’s meeting, I was overcome. The images of women of all ages meeting together and feeling their collective power and testimony brought tears to my eyes. And, those tears continued as talk after talk touched my heart. As the videos played, as the music poured from these dear sisters, I felt that I was not alone, and that I have millions of sisters. I have so many sisters that I cannot number them. And, like my Father in Heaven, they love me as I love them.  This simple, inspired meeting answered my prayer, and filled my heart with a feeling of sisterhood.

  Heavenly Father knew what I needed. He knew that my sisters were all around me, and that I simply needed to be reminded of their presence. He knew I needed to know I was not alone, and that He loved me enough to send me to a home where I would have the Gospel. He knows me, He loves me. And I know that I am no exception. He loves us all as His daughters, no matter what we do, no matter who we are, and no matter where we are.  He even helped B to nap so I could watch this meeting and blog about it (pretty amazing if you know my crazy son).  Heavenly Father truly knows and answers prayers. He knows how to touch our hearts and fill them with His love. I could not be more grateful.

Missed it? Don't wait another minute...

Seen it? I think it's worth watching again.

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