Monday, January 2, 2012

Top 10 Surprises in your First Trimester...

Now that I am moving into my Second Trimester, I am able to laugh at the events of the last few months, and talk about it. Here's my best summation of the first trimester's biggest surprises...

10. Eating for two is not actually eating for 2. It’s more like eating for 1.1. It’s actually depressing. I feel totally cheated, it takes all the fun out of being hungry ALL THE TIME.

9. Even though you are constantly hungry, there is suddenly a long list of things you can't eat, and medicines you can't take. I'm not so chapped about alcohol or nyquil, but sushi, cold deli sandwiches, and ibuprofen I'm having a little bit of a hard time living without.

8. Smells, even ones I liked, have become my arch nemesis. It’s still unclear who might win. Stinky trash and burned broccoli go without saying, but when your body splash starts to make you gag, its time to reconsider.

7. I’ve had to embrace the crying all the time. In the car, at the radio, when someone at work is upset, or in bed at night, for no good reason except that I miss my Grandma who has been gone for over 4 years. Yep, for no reason at all.

6. Going to bed at 8:30 or 9:00 pm is totally normal, even welcome, albeit pretty pathetic.

5. I have never considered myself a whiner, but I now claim the title with pride. Because when you’re preggo, you’re preggo, and what else can you do?

4. Having never had a bust line to speak of, I think boobs are overrated. Especially when they hurt all the time. Ken would undoubtedly disagree.

3. Coming from an emotional and ornery person by nature, pregnancy has brought things to a whole new level. Its like Andrea-zilla has been unleashed. Poor Ken, good thing he is about the most patient man alive.

2. I thought I knew what nausea was. I WAS WRONG! And, while I don’t vomit, I can honestly say that nausea is the worst pregnancy symptom ever created. I think we women should put together a petition, oh wait, that wouldn’t work either.

1. Without ever having laid eyes on, held or even felt my baby move, I am so very excited to be a mom. No one can explain that to you, ever. No one can tell you how invested you are from the moment you find out that you are growing a human. No one can help you understand how precious it is, how suddenly nothing else is as important as this, and how the thought of losing the pregnancy is as heart rending as losing your family that you have loved all your life. And though the first trimester is a living nightmare, you are convinced that it is totally worth it, without any proof. It’s basically the most amazing miracle I have ever experienced. I can’t believe that Heavenly Father has entrusted this little soul into Ken and I’s care. We are so grateful. And so excited.


  1. Andrea, I love this. Sooo Accurate! It makes me feel better that I am not the only one who cries for no reason. The other night I woke my husband up in the middle of the night and cried because I missed my dog. Then I woke up in the morning and he asked if I missed my dog still and I said, "heck no! She was such a pain." I am totally driving him nuts. It is amazing husbands survive.

  2. Oh, and I just made myself cry by reading this to Ken, see #7.

  3. just wait.... pregnancy boobs are one thing... nursing boobs are ANOTHER! good luck and congrats. being a mom is awesome (even if the little nugget decided to come 6 weeks early and throw a huge wrench in EVERYTHING). keep that baby cooking as long as possible even when it gets uncomfortable.

  4. Pregnancy is one crazy journey! It was really rough for me (horrible nausea for 24 weeks...PUPPPS...carpal tunnel...the whole list!), but such an absolutely amazing experience at the same time. The greatest one I've ever had in my life. Wait until you feel him/her move! :) I'm still amazed almost every day that I actually get to keep my little guy. So excited for you, Andrea!

  5. I hope the 2nd tri is smooth sailing!
