Saturday, October 6, 2012

Women of God... in today's world.

I have been pondering this blog post in my heart for over a month now.  I have even started and written several versions of these thoughts. Time to get it “down on paper.”

Women of God

I have recently been thinking about the incredible women who surround me.  I really don’t know how to describe them.  The problem, I fear, is that these amazing ladies do not know their own worth.  I marvel daily at women around me who defy all odds and surmount incredible challenges only to have more trials and hurdles placed before them.  Women today face such daunting tasks, and Satan would have them believe that they are failing, when, in fact, these women of faith are truly succeeding in winning the race and fighting the fight.

These women I am referring to face such difficult and often trying circumstances.  I hear stories of these brave women, and I am simply in awe.  Not one of us will escape this life without entering the fire of affliction, but I cannot believe how brave, faithful and longsuffering the women I know are. I have friends who face their day to day life with courage not comparable to anything I can fathom.

Everyone is Tested

I want to share some of the challenges facing women I know.  One is happily living the complex test of unplanned, but not unwanted, pregnancy, and others the lonely road of infertility.  Some battle severe health issues or struggle with mental illness. Several have the heart-wrending circumstance of divorce. Others suffer in abusive marriages or relationships.  Some have lost children or spouses to death. Many lose sleep, and are sick with challenges that face their children.  A few have had adultery invade their marriages. 

I know of faith-filled women whose lives have followed paths of righteousness, only to feel utterly destroyed when promised blessings are not yet received.  Often dear friends follow the counsel of the church and diligently receive an education, and at the end of the long road is unemployment.

I have dear friends who literally risk their lives to bring precious children into the world.  I know of more than one virtuous lady who has yet to find a companion.  I know women who make the extraordinary sacrifice to support their families, though their hearts long to be in their homes. 
There are those who could easily shirk calls of service due to a long list of legitimate reasons, but serve anyway. One dear friend has no reason to care for an ungrateful parent who abandoned her at birth, but she gives her home and her heart. 

Women everywhere around me survive day to day raising their children in faith and love while their husbands travel week in and week out, work long hours, or simply fail to support them emotionally.  I have a sweet friend who sold all her possessions and moved to a foreign country to learn her husband’s native language and get to know his dear family.  I have another who has lived a faithful life, raised beautiful children, only to have them reject the faith she taught them.

So many women I know face challenges they never dreamed were possible, and question their ability to continue day after day.  Truly, these women who struggle are marvelous.  As it turns out, we all struggle.

The World's Expectation of Women

I am continually impressed that we, as a gender, are able to get out of bed each day. The world seems to demand that we look like Jennifer Anniston, are as intelligent as Sandra Day O’Connor, work as hard as Condolezza Rice, and yet have dinner on the table by five.  The LDS culture seems to mandate that we shoulder the burdens of the world, never flinch in our faith, and flawlessly vacuum in heels and pearls like June Clever.  But the reality is so different.

Daughters of God

 The reality is that daughters of God are always loved by him.  Regardless of the current state of our kitchens, the ten extra pounds, the frustrated words with our husband, the scuffed shoes and the the burned cupcakes, we are still loved.  In fact, Heavenly Father loves us NO MATTER WHAT.
The reality is that in spite of what we look to as important, the only person that you have to save is you. You are the most important person the Lord would have you help. D&C 18:15 states that your joy shall be great if your bring one soul unto Him. That soul is you.

The lack of perfection that is emanating from our lives day after day is actually in our heads.  I wish that I could help every one of my amazing friends, coworkers, Relief Society sisters, and family members understand just how their Father in Heaven sees them.  I wish they could focus on the many triumphs, and not the few failures.  I want to be like Samuel the Lamanite on the wall shouting to women to remain faithful, and realize that they are doing it! They are accomplishing the Lord’s plan for them by getting out of bed every morning and being the courageous, strong, and faithful women that they are.

God will Remember You

And if I can’t reach them all, then to those who read this, just know, that your Father in Heaven loves you. Not the one next to you. You. He loves you everyday. If there are challenges, that’s intentional. If there are heart breaks, He is there. If there are blessings withheld, they will come. You are a precious daughter of God.  He is your loving Father. And, no matter the trial, the loss, the depth of despair, He will deliver you.  As one of my favorite General Conference talks says,

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